Sabato 26 Novembre i nostri FabLab e Officina restano chiusi perchè siamo in trasferta a Vicenza!
Nella bellissima cornice della Basilica Palladiana, capolavoro architettonico del Rinascimento italiano e Patrimonio dell’UNESCO, si terrà infatti un hackathon di 24 ore in cui programmatori, meccatronici, makers, designer, studenti, marketer e creativi, organizzati in squadre, si sfideranno nella realizzazione di soluzioni legate all’Internet of Things.
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The 100100 Challenge EVolution hackathon is the first hackathon organized by Confartigianato Vicenza and will be focused on the Internet of Things. IoT has defined a new paradigm in which information communication and technology surround us at all times; tightly integrated with the real world by smart objects which have capacity of interaction with the surrounding environment and of data processing. These objects are interconnected so that they can gather, exchange and process information.